English Speaking Club: «What is the difference between STEREOTYPES and PREJUDICES?»

Приглашаем на последнее, в этом учебном году, заседание English Speaking Club!
Тема: «Предрассудки и стереотипы»
Дата: 29 мая 2019г. в 16:30
Место проведения: КГУ, ул.Радищева, 33, ауд.339-2

Prejudice and stereotyping are just two examples of the mental mistakes that result from our tendency to quickly categorize information in the world around us. How do stereotypes influence for people? What do the gender stereotypes annoy you? Men or women? Answer the questions with us!

When: the 29th of May, 16:30
Where: room 339-2, Radischeva st., 33, Kursk State University